2025 Spring Intramural Registration is Closed

Registration is closed for the 2025 spring softball rec season. If your daughter is interested in playing softball, please look to register her for the fall season. Registration should open towards the end of July.get her registered!


 Age groups for REC softball will include:

  • 6U Coordinators from other leagues around the area are trying to put together a development 6U program to introduce the girls to the game. If your daughter is 5 or 6 years old and is looking to play, this will be a great opportunity.
  • 8U (play in the East Penn Girls Softball League) This level will have the opportunity to hit off the coaches and learn more about the game. Still all about the Fun!!
  • 10U (play in the East Penn Girls Softball League) Players will have the opportunity to learn the pitching and catching position. At this level players will hit off the other teams pitchers. Start the transition of learning the full game of softball.
  • 12U14U16U18U (play in the East Penn Girls Softball League) the players will learn the entire game of softball. At this level we will work on developing good mechanics and focus on breaking down the individual parts of the game like hitting (swing path, hips, feet and transfer), throwing (release, elbow, hand placement and lower half), fielding (glove position, stance, approach, and feet work).




I pledge to COMPETE with CLASS and HONOR THE GAME…

  • I will honor the history of Softball and commit to maintaining the core values of the game's culture.
  • I will recognize the value of safe and fair play by teaching, enforcing and playing by the letter and spirit of the game.
  • I will practice and encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or other Softball event.
  • I will place the emotional and physical well-being of our players ahead of any personal desire to win.
  • I will support coaches and officials working with players in order to encourage a safe, positive and enjoyable experience for all.
  • I will do my very best to make the sport fun for everyone who participates.
  • I will ask all family members and fans to be tolerant and inclusive by treating other players, coaches, fans and officials with high regard and respect.


To expose girls to the game of Softball in a very positive way!

To help each and every player achieve her personal best in the game of Softball!


EXPECTATIONS of LMYA Softball Coaches:

1.  Communicate in a positive manner at all times.

2. Follow league and Lower Mac rules regarding all aspects of the game and coaching.

3. Teach the fundamental skills of softball.

4. No punishments. Coach positively.

5.  Teach Proper warm-ups PRIOR to throwing BEFORE games/practices, Stretching
AFTER games

6.  Become a role model for your players to develop character.

7. Participate in the appropriate league as determined by the sport coordinator, and
attend all practices and games at the designated times and locations determined
by the sport coordinator, participate in ALL post-season activities of their league
(all-star and play-offs,) work with other coaches and coordinators within LMYA
intramural & travel to ensure all players are playing at the appropriate level, having
fun, and that coaches ask for help if needed.  We are all here to teach fundamentals,
promote a love for the game and place girls at the highest level of competition they are able to play.

8. Attend all coaches meetings before and after each season to ensure communication,
discuss issues for the improvement of the program.

9. Keep care of all equipment given to them during the season. They must IMMEDIATELY
report any broken or dangerous equipment to Craig Kackenmeister ( They must
also pick up and return all equipment at the designated times/dates at the beginning
and ending of their season.

10. Meet with uniform coordinator at the beginning of the season to pick up or distribute

11. Realize that by participating with any LMYA softball team, all volunteers are
acknowledging that they've read, understood, and will follow both LMYA's Code
of Conduct and the league's COC. If any coaches are found to break any of these
rules, they will not be asked back to coach in any capacity the next year. Also,
any behaviors which go against LMYA policy (violence, abuse, etc) will be reported
to the board as policy dictates and the police may be involved.

12.  According to LMYA email policy, coaches may only contact players' parents for
Lower Mac softball-related things like practice, game and end of season information,
etc.  This contact should only occur during the actual season.  Coaches do not
have permission to contact players for non-Lower Mac purposes or to advertise
things like other youth organizations, other travel teams, spam or commercial
advertisements.  This goes against email policy.

13.  If scheduled for a specific age group, all intramural coaches should attend the
SKILLS DAY.  These are usually held for U10 age groups but sometimes
at other levels.  Intramural coaches should NEVER discourage returning
players from attending.  The SKILLS DAY has two purposes:  to rate players
for the draft and to rate players so that it can be determined if they should be
trying out for travel/tournament instead of intramural.  *LMYA encourages
all talented players to participate at its upper levels for safety reasons.
There is a travel level for all ages starting at 8 years old (there may or not
be a travel team offered past U14 from year to year as its based on interest.)

14.  All travel coaches will follow seasonal and off-season expectations of LMYA.
These expectations will come directly from the Softball Coordinator.  Coaches
will be informed which league they participate in, a maximum or minimum
number of tournaments their teams must participate in, and which off-season
workouts are mandatory (where, why, when, and for whom.)  There are limitations
of activities and off-season workouts (regardless of desire of participation by
parent or players.)   All anticipated activities (including off-season workouts) must
be discussed and approved by the SOFTBALL COORDINATOR. *Failure to
communicate with the Coordinator appropriately, follow LMYA expectations,
and failure to follow LMYA philosophy will result in any travel coach not being asked
back to coach their team. Removal of a coach must be put to vote at a
Committee Meeting and have majority vote (Softball Coordinator's vote will be included.)

15.  All coaches will follow LMYA's Weather and Safety Policy for games and practices.

16.  All coaches will complete the certification on Concussion Training through the CDC.
Information will be given to coaches via email.

Selection of Coaches

LMYA reserves the ability to select individual coaches from season to season.  There are
several reasons why a person may not be selected for a head coach or assistant position.
Some of them are: Returning head coaches have already been selected and there is no need
for any new head coaches, enough assistant coaches have been selected or the head coaches
have selected their own choice of two assistants, and most importantly - some coaches are no
longer selected for a coaching spot (whether head or assistant) due to reported offenses
which go against the Lower Macungie Athletic Coaching Requirements and Expectations.

When a coach engages in behavior that goes against Lower Macungie Athletics' policies,
they will not be selected as either a head or assistant coach and may not perform in any
capacity as such for any team.



  • Arrive on time - 15 minutes early to practices, and at pre-determined time for games
  • Be POSITIVE with yourself, your coaches, and your team-mates
  • "Leave it all on the field":  While at practice, focus ON SOFTBALL and work hard!
  • No cliques or bullying! We are all one team
  • Attitude and effort will impact playing time more than anything else
  • Playing time philosophy: Everyone plays, all skill levels will progress



  • Offer as much notice as possible if a player is missing a practice or game
  • Please do not coach from the sidelines.  Positive reinforcement is encouraged! Players do not need conflicting direction; they need to be allowed to make their own choices on the field in order to develop
  • Please do not yell at the umpires or question calls
  • If you have an issue or concern, solve it with the coaches rather than spreading it along the sideline, or to your player.  Negativity is contagious.
  • If there are questions or concerns, please call or e-mail




Most LMYA teams participate as a member in a league which exists outside of Lower Macungie Youth Association.  This league, with LMYA getting one vote, determines the nights of the games, the rules of the games and the age qualifications.  Participation is currently based on how old a girl is as of January 1st (for example: 'a player must turn X by 1/1 and cannot be X by 1/1'.)  LMYA participates in the newly formed Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League.

Fall Intramural Programs

All players who will be moving up to the next age group in the upcoming spring season, will be moved up to that higher age group during the fall season for learning the new rules, base and pitching paths and practice for the upcoming spring (No exceptions.)

YOUR PLACEMENT IN THE FALL DOES NOT DICTATE YOUR PLACEMENT IN THE SPRING.  Due to team viability issues: if any player is allowed to play up, whether in the fall or spring season, if the player is age eligible the next season for the lower age bracket-they will be assigned the lower age bracket (no exceptions, no 'grandfathering' them to the higher age bracket)

Spring Intramural Program

Players MAY NOT play up or down for 'wanting to play with their friends' or because they prefer a specific coach at any intramural level.

LMYA Travel Program

Lower Macungie's Travel program is year-round. Tryouts are held in August.  Teams participate in leagues, tournaments, and winter workouts. Team Rosters are finalized for the fall AND spring season after August tryouts. This is a year-long commitment.


U10: Players trying out for this team must be 8 yrs old on or before January 1st AND cannot be 11 yrs old on or before January 1st.

  • Spring & Fall seasons partake in the Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League. Practices are 2-3 days a week until games start
  • Winter pitching and catching sessions are offered
  • Team can partake in tournaments
  • Accepted registrants: Players who reside in the East Penn School District AND neighboring districts
  • After tryouts, players are offered spots on the team which they can accept or decline

U12: Players trying out for this team are usually 11 yrs old on or before January 1st AND cannot be 13 yrs old on or before January 1st

  • Spring & Fall seasons can partake in the Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League. Practices are 2-3 days a week until games start
  • Winter pitching and catching sessions are offered
  • Team can partake in tournaments
  • Accepted registrants: Players who reside in the East Penn School District AND neighboring districts
  • After tryouts, players are offered spots on the team which they can accept or decline

U14: Players trying out for this team are usually 13 yrs old on or before January 1st AND cannot be 14 yrs old on or before January 1st

  • Spring & Fall seasons can partake in the Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League. Practices are 2-3 days a week until games start
  • Winter pitching and catching sessions are offered
  • Team can partake in tournaments
  • Accepted registrants: Players who reside in the East Penn School District AND neighboring districts
  • After tryouts, players are offered spots on the team which they can accept or decline

U16: Players trying out for this team are usually 15 yrs old on or before January 1st AND cannot be 17 yrs old on or before January 1st

  • Spring & Fall seasons can partake in the Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League. Practices are 2-3 days a week until games start
  • Winter pitching and catching sessions are offered
  • Team can partake in tournaments
  • Accepted registrants: Players who reside in the East Penn School District AND neighboring districts
  • After tryouts, players are offered spots on the team which they can accept or decline

U18: Offer of this age group will be based on current registration numbers. Players trying out for this team are usually 17 yrs old on or before January 1st AND cannot be 18 yrs old on or before January 1st


  • Residency Restrictions: LMYA softball has opened registration and tryouts for all age groups (U10, U12, U14, U16, and U18) to those players who reside outside of East Penn School District and would like to play on an LMYA travel team.  Per LMYA policy, teams are allowed to offer spots to players outside of the East Penn School District area encompassing up to 25% of the team UNLESS there is a viability issue.  If there is a viability issue, teams can hold more than 25% of players outside of East Penn School District residency BUT ROSTERS ARE CAPPED AT 12 PLAYERS.
  • Playing up policy: Any player who registers with LMYA travel may elect to participate in another age division's try-out (older) to see if they are offered a spot on the team (they must register at their own age division and then contact the Softball Coordinator notifying him that the player would like to try-out for another age level.)   If not offered a spot, their name goes to the age appropriate level and they wait to see if they are offered a spot on that team.  If not offered a spot on their age appropriate team, they have the following options - refund or elect to play on an intramural team.
  • LMYA travel will not offer a spot on any travel team for players who also play on any other softball tournament teams.  The reason for this is as follows: Our travel teams also engage in tournaments and we expect all of our roster to commit 100% to all of our endeavors.
  • Travel demands a higher level of commitment from its players but we acknowledge that, per LMYA policy, Softball is a primary sport in spring AND a secondary sport in the fall.  As long as schedules are exchanged ahead of time and before the season begins- travel should not interfere with other endeavors.  Communication between coaches and parents is a must.  Following LMYA policy, we expect softball games to be a priority in the spring while we honor other sports' games as a priority in the fall (regarding attendance at practices.)  All players are expected to participate in tournaments apart from the regular season.

Travel or Intramural?

Lower Macungie Travel teams have participated in the Lehigh Valley Travel League for almost two decades and now will have the chance to play in the newly formed Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League. LMYA has developed a reputation as an established and experienced organization.  The majority of our travel coaches are highly qualified with experience including travel and tournament coaching specifically.  Most of our travel players move on to play softball at the high school level and some at the college level. We offer something very unique to your player - the opportunity to play in travel league games and to play in tournaments.  We are not aware of any other youth organization who offers this. We are not solely a travel team and not solely a tournament team - but a hybrid of them both.  Our teams have the opportunity to play in the fall and spring travel league games and then spend weekends in tournaments. The primary focus is to establish a playing field for those players interested in playing at a higher level.
Our goal is to have teams at every age level: U10, U12, U14 and U18.  We have tryouts for the fall and spring seasons in August. Playing travel softball is a YEAR LONG commitment. Travel rosters are set after the August tryouts.
Some additional facts about travel:
  • All divisions of travel engage in tournaments in addition to the Lehigh Valley League season
    (numbers vary by age group)
  • All travel teams have practices and games at the Wescosville Fields (lower or upper)
  • All travel teams hold try outs and coaches are solely responsible for times and days as well as which players are chosen
  • Most of our older travel players also play on school teams
  • Assistant coaches aren't chosen until after players have been selected for the team
  • All players who are not selected for the team will revert to the appropriate intramural division based on their season age or be offered a refund
  • All players trying out for an older age bracket who do not get offered a spot at that older age bracket have these options: Wait to see if their age appropriate travel team coach offers them a spot on that team, request a refund, or play in intramural

Travel Tryout Information

  • Please refer to the tabs at the top of the page and read as much as you can on the travel program in general as well as team placement for travel teams
  • Spots are offered to players based on the results of the tryouts
  • Tryouts have multiple evaluators from inside and outside of Lower Macungie Athletics
  • All decisions are made SOLELY by the head coach and cannot be appealed for any reason
  • Evaluators are assessing players in defense and offense as well as coachability and focus using a number scale of 1-5 (1=excellent, 2=good, 3=average, 4=below average, 5=weak)

Why are tryouts held?

  • Tryouts are held for travel softball because our program engages in the Eastern Pennsylvania Girls Softball League and local, state and sometimes national tournament play (ASA, PONY and USSSA.)  In order to participate in tournament softball, we are seeking the best of the best otherwise we cannot compete at this level.  At the tryouts, we are seeking players who have a heightened knowledge of the game, a stronger playing ability and a desire to engage at a higher level.

What is the procedure of the tryouts?

  • Parents are asked to arrive 30 minutes before the tryout is scheduled to begin (to sign in, warm up and listen to head coach/coordinator discussion)
  • Multiple evaluators are used from inside and outside of Lower Macungie Athletics including high school, tournament and college players as well as current and past tournament/travel coaches.  Evaluators are never parents of current players or head coaches of teams. Our goal is to have independent evaluators scoring the players and then coaches can make roster decisions according to the final evaluations.
  • Players sign in at a designated location, are given a number and then are expected to warm up (when parents sign in they will receive a paper with information on it regarding the process and how they will be notified of whether their child is offered a spot and what happens next.)
  • Head coach/coordinator will call parents to the sign in location and go over the process and answer any questions
  • Once parents are dismissed, tryouts will officially begin and players will be instructed to various locations for defense and offense drills.
  • Players will work at a station for a designated time and then move on while evaluators are recording observations.
  • At the end of the try-outs, the head coach/coordinator will call all players together to wrap up the tryouts and briefly discuss to the players what will happen next.
  • Parents are welcome to stay to observe but cannot evaluate.  Parents are expected to remain at the side lines, not coach from the side lines and to refrain from speaking to evaluators during the tryout.

Evaluation Scores and Team Selection

  • Head coach will add up all  individual scores at the stations (meaning players get a number for hitting, bunting, infield, flyballs, throwing, and speed which will be added for a total sum along with a space for notes on a player's coachability and focus.)
  • The head coach has the ability to use the travel evaluation form to their discretion when selecting the team.  For example, a head coach can refer to specific positions the player plays (this is provided at sign up,) and can look at individual scores at specific stations or they could look at the total number scored out of all of the stations BUT most coaches are going to be looking at both of them.
  • Parents must understand that receiving a high score does not necessarily mean the player is a fit for a team. For example, a spot may be open but a catcher is needed.  In this instance, there may be a player who scores well but is not be a catcher whereas there is another player who scores good or average, is a catcher and may be chosen over the higher scoring player for the sake of having a second catcher.  The evaluation form is a guideline and tool to be used in selecting the team - the head coach has final say over who is offered a spot on the team and why.

Notification of Team Selection

  • The head coach will notify EVERY player trying out for travel via email OR phone of their offer for a spot on the team OR to make them aware that they are not being offered a spot on the team.
  • Those offered a spot on the team may select to accept that spot or decline that spot.
  • Those who are not offered a spot on the team are automatically placed at their age appropriate instructional or intramural age division or may also elect to receive a refund.
  • Parents are welcome to and encouraged inquire on why their child was not offered a spot but must understand that all decisions are final. This sometimes helps for a player to determine what they need to work on to improve.
  • Head coaches will email the coordinator with a listing of the final team roster. Once the final team roster has been handed in, the head coach may begin seeking out assistant coaches with players who have made the team.
  • Once your daughter has been placed onto either an intramural or travel team, their head coach will contact them further with specific information regarding their season. Travel and some intramural teams begins almost immediately..

Travel Tryout Dates as follows:  All tryout dates, times, and locations are supplied to players who register for LMYA softball AND is posted at the section of the softball webpage called NEWS


Equipment for Girl's Softball

  • Helmet with mask
  • Glove
  • Bat
  • Cleats

Rules of Play

Season Age: 5/6
1. The game should be about having fun and learning beginner fundamentals while promoting safety.

2. Every player is strongly recommended to purchase a mouth guard to wear while playing and/or a
face mask to avoid injury in addition to their own batting helmet for sanitary reasons.

3. Cheering is permitted but only for your own team and never mentioning the opposing players or
being disparaging against the other team. Ex. “We’re going to kick the woopsy out of you,” is
not permitted.

5. The games will last 1 1/2 hours (arrange to arrive 1/2 hour early for warm-ups.)

6. Primary playing positions:

  • Pitcher, first, second, short, third, left field, right field, left-center, and right-center.
  • No Catcher (coach may stand here with caution)
  • You may have up to - but no more than - 6 outfielders at one time evenly spaced to avoid
  • Center fielders are not to cover 2nd base (teach short and second to cover appropriately)
  • All outfielders must begin play behind the baselines.
  • Every first baseman and pitcher must wear a face mask or batting helmet with face shield.
  • Players in the 'pitcher' position must be inside the pitching circle while a player is batting - no exceptions.
  • There are no overthrows at any base and play is considered dead after the overthrow.
  • At the Little Pixie level, teach the girls to make the throw to first base only.

7. No score, outs, or strikes/balls counted. No books are needed but we do recommend keeping
track of your batting order and to change it often to ensure that everyone starts off the order
at least once in the season.

8. Two defensive coaches are allowed in the outfield to give verbal instruction.

9. No forfeits, rescheduling games or canceling a game if there is not enough players. If a team is short players then rotate players from the other team to outfield positions.  All games will go on despite the number of girls present. Only weather cancels a game.  No minimum number of players needed to start a game.

10. Base coaches should not make contact with any base runner while the ball is in play. High fives are okay! - this means that coaches are not allowed to physically help a player run to a base and/or to step on a base.

11. Coaches must rotate their players every inning - no exceptions! This means that every player is at a new position at the beginning of every inning.

12. An eleven-inch incrediball is supplied.

13. Batting

  • T's are used for all batters for first half of season. For second half, there are 5 pitches and then the T will be used.
  • No bunting or slapping. The batter must finish her swing/break her wrist. Hits that drop in
    front of home plate will be redone.
  • Every person bats every inning.
  • Every batter is required to wear a helmet with a face mask and chin strap.

14. Base running

  • No stealing bases.
  • No sliding into any base. This is a safety issue and every play must be stopped and explained why it is not allowed right now.
  • The runner may not leave the base until the ball is hit by a batter.
  • Runner must be taught to avoid contact or give herself up.
  • Runners advance one base at a time.

15. Fielders and defensive coaches may not interfere with base runners. If either one intentionally impedes the progress of a runner-stop the game and use this as a teachable moment. Explain that a runner will automatically get the next base when this occurs.

16. When a batted ball not touched by a fielder hits a base runner-use this as a teachable moment and explain that they must avoid contact with the ball while running the bases. Inform them that when this happens - players are out and must sit down.

17. Coaches who are pitching do not have to stand in the pitcher's circle; however you may be safer doing so. Be careful.

Softball Policies

Softballs and Equipment

Intramural coaches will be given a dozen game balls before the fall and the spring seasons to be used for FOR GAMES ONLY. Both sheds at Wild Cherry and Wescosville fields will have buckets of balls (both 11" and 12") that are meant to be used for practice. Rec coaches will also be given catchers equipment before the start of each season. We ask that coaches return the gear after every season.

Travel coaches will be issued game balls at the beginning of the fall and spring season. Game balls are to be used FOR GAMES ONLY. Practices balls will also be distributed to travel coaches and there are also buckets in the shed at Wescosville and Wild Cherry fields. Please contact the Softball Coordinator for ball requests.

ALL new boxes of game and practice balls will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Wescosville Shed. Due to cost of balls, we need to monitor the use. 


When signing up players for softball, you will indicate the size of their child's jersey. We go by this size. Parents are responsible to make sure they are ordering the right size. If a size is incorrect, you are responsible for purchasing a replacement size. Jerseys will be tucked in when playing in games. 


Fields and Facilites

It is important to note that all of Lower Macungie's fields fall under the jurisdication & maintenance of the Lower Macungie Township.  LMT has a policy regarding trash: Y0ou bring it with you to field, you should take the trash with you home and throw it away. We have garbage cans as a courtesy; however, we ask that you take your trash home to throw it away as much as possible.  Our trash cans fill up rather quickly.  Also, please do not dump food anywhere on the park grounds.  This is still littering.
All families are responsible for their children.  You are responsible to keep them safe and to keep them from public destruction of the park.  Please watch them to ensure their safety and appropriate behaviors.    
Wild Cherry Fields are located off of Lower Macungie Road at Wild Cherry Lane.

Wild Cherry #1 also known as Wild Cherry Pavilion is located next to the pavilion closest to Wild Cherry Lane.  The parking lot is located around the back of the park near the basketball courts.

Wild Cherry #2 also known as Wild Cherry Turnpike is located at the back of the park.
Wescosville Fields

These fields have two separate entrances.  Directions are located below for each one.  If you erroneously park in the wrong parking lot, the other field is within walking distance.  There are permanent restrooms located at the Upper field and a portable restroom at the Lower field.  There is paved parking at both fields.  There are bleachers at both fields.  There is a tennis court located at the Lower field.  There is a pavilion at the Upper field.


Please view this link for directions.  Simply add your address to the website for more accurate directions.  You access this parking area through a one-way entrance into the Wescosville Community Center parking lot.  Follow the entrance down and to the left and parking is located at the far left of the parking lot area.

Directions from Route 100:

Directions from Route 309: *When you get off of 309 and merge onto Hamilton Blvd - stay in the right lane!! You will exit Brookside Road which is on your right

Directions from Route 22:


LOWER - You access this parking area through an entrance off of Brookside Road near the Hunan Springs Restaurant.  Follow the entrance straight back into the parking lot.  The entrance is very obscured and there is no sign.  Coming from the by-pass make a right into the entrance before the barbershop. Coming from Brookside Road or Hamilton Blvd, make a left after the barbershop.

Directions from Route 100:

Follow similar directions as the Upper field EXCEPT you will NOT turn left onto Hamilton Blvd.  You will go straight through the light (Hunan Springs Restaurant is to your left on the other side of the street and WaWa is on your right hand side.)  Once you pass straight through the light, the parking lot entrance is located immediately after the restaurant parking lot.  It is on your left.  If you drive to the business buildings on your left and day care on your right - you've gone too far and must turn around.  The street is  a dead end.

Directions from Route 309:

Follow similar directions as the Upper field EXCEPT you will not turn right at the traffic light onto Hamilton Blvd.  The entrance to the park is on your right BEFORE the Hunan Springs Restaurant parking lot.  The entrance is very obscured and difficult to see from the road.

Directions from Route 22:

Follow similar directions as the Upper field EXCEPT you will not turn right at the traffic light onto Hamilton Blvd.  The entrance to the park is on your right BEFORE the Hunan Springs Restaurant parking lot.  The entrance is very obscured and difficult to see from the road.

Rodale Park Field

This field is located off of Riverbend Road in Lower Macungie Township.  Please click on the closest highway you will be traveling and feel free to add your own address to the directions calculator on the top left of the website.  This field has paved parking, a playground  for younger siblings, a basketball court and a portable restroom.  There are no bleachers and chairs will be necessary.  The dug-out areas of this field are covered and players are protected from the elements.

Directions from Route 100:



Softball Administration and Coordinators

  Contact Info
Softball Coordinator Craig Kackenmeister
Travel Coordinator
Ethan Eiswerth
Instructional Coordinator
Intramural Coordinator
Wescosville Field Prep
Rodale Field Prep
Wild Cherry Field Prep
U10 Travel Coach
Jim O'Malia
U12 Travel Coach
Dale Barnett
U12 Travel Coach
Mike Tokar
U16 Travel Coach
Ethan Eiswerth
U16 Travel Coach
Craig Kackenmeister
Intramural Field Scheduler
Craig Kackenmeister
*see above email*
Travel Field Scheduler
Craig Kackenmeister
*see above email*
Uniform Coordinator
Craig Kackenmeister
*see above email*
Picture Coordinator
Craig kackenmeister
*see above email*



Parents interested in volunteering in coaching, administrative assistance or field assistance, please contact the LMYA Softball Coordinator.

Introduction to Positions Held in LMYA Softball

LMYA is made up of various volunteers who donate their knowledge, skill sets and time for your children at various levels including board members, coaches, and coordinators.  LMYA Softball goes to many lengths to ensure that qualified, caring, and knowledgeable people are involved.  We regulate various volunteer positions by running background checks (see LMYA policy on this,) and holding clinics.  All new coaches are required to attend a coaching clinic where we will instruct them on how to run a practice, how to effectively communicate with parents, and introduce them to LMYA policy.   All coaches are encouraged to visit veteran coaches' practices, preferably a travel team, to see how a practice is run and to witness the various instructional techniques used.  All coaches attend various meetings, for LMYA and the league they play in, to discuss rules, policies, and basic fundamentals regarding coaching.  LMYA has a strict coaching policy which must be followed.  All coaches must agree to and follow LMYA's philosophy to be a head coach.

In addition to this, we have coordinators who volunteer and are the heart and soul of this program.  At this point, there are numerous positions being filled by the same person.  We are looking for these to be filled by different people.  Please volunteer your time!  I have listed the various coordinator positions and duties required.  All current coordinators are posted along with current season's head coaches under Contacts.  We rely on our parents to communicate with the coordinators to ensure that our sport is running efficiently and appropriately. There is a chain of command for communcation and we ask that everyone follow it (this information is sent to parents at the beginning of every season and discussed with coaches at meetings.)  As a parent, if you see someone struggling, please step up and offer your assistance.  Everyone is simply a volunteer and we can all learn from and help each other.   We need your assistance and help to become a better organization.  Our first priority is always the players!

Another important job in LMYA Softball is our field preps.  LMYA Softball has paid field preps who receive $12 per field to prep for a game. Being a field prep is not an easy job and involves a lot of travel, equates to a part time job, and involves manual labor which is why we decided to offer this as a paid position.  The field prep responsibilities are also listed below along with who they are and for what season they work in the contacts list.  All Softball field preps must have a valid driver's license.  The qualifications of this job are very important because of the expectations of a field prep involving knowing the field dimensions, how to prep a field correctly, having basic mechanical knowledge to be able to perform light work with our equipment (adding gas, adding/removing attachments to use our groomer appropriately).

Detailed Job Description of Coordinator Positions


Regular Duties include ($12.00 per field flat rate) :

Groom field (using groomer machine) before each scheduled game
Line field and batting box before each scheduled game
Ensure plugs are easily visible for head coaches prior to game at proper feet
Painting foul lines and out of play lines before each scheduled game
Contacting coaches to cancel games

Maintenance Duties include ($12.00 per hour) :

Prior to start of games: weekly maintenance of fields
(this includes: grooming, upkeep, removal of rocks and weeds, adding dirt, etc.)
Cleaning & upkeep of storage sheds and equipment during game season
Provide gas for use in groomer (to be reimbursed at end of season)
Some basic groomer maintenance and repair


Must be 18 years old and hold a valid PA driver's license
The ideal candidates:  will have knowledge of field dimensions & understand the sport
and will have basic machine operation knowledge for running the groomer
Train with a current field prep to understand your duties

Wild Cherry Snack Bar  

Duties include:

Organize snack stand coverage for all home softball games at the Pavilion field
Organize snack stand coverage for the soccer games held at WC fields
Ensure food supply for operation
Organize snack stand menu & price sheet
Oversee the operation & coverage (not in person)
Organize an operation sheet (to communicate responsibilities to volunteers)
-This is not a complete list-

Age Level Coordinators

Fall & Spring duties include:

Assist Intramural Coordinator and Overall Coordinator with team selection
Serve as liason between parents and Intramural Coordinator
Assist Apparel Coordinator with apparel hand out if necessary
Assist Uniform Coordinator with uniform hand out
Attend league meetings if you prefer to understand rules and policies

Picture Coordinator

Duties include:

Communicate with picture company
Set up date and times for pictures for spring and fall seasons
Communicate date and times with all coordinators
Attend picture event as representative
Arrange pick up of pictures by age level coordinators
*Not a complete list*

Apparel Coordinator

Duties include:

Collecting orders & payment for spring and fall orders
Communicating with overall coordinator at all times
Communicating with customers through out process
Sorting apparel for collection
Arrange and attend pick up of apparel orders
*Not a complete list*

Requirement for Coaching

Requirements for coaching LMYA softball:

* All coaches must read, agree to, and follow LMYA's policies regarding coaching
conduct & player instruction

* All coaches must coach their team at the appropriate league against the designated
teams in that league (determined by coordinators,)  attend designated practice locations
and times, participate in all the league's post season activities (all star games or play-offs,)
and work with other coaches and coordinators within LMYA Intramural and Travel to
ensure that players are learning and excelling at fundamentals, having fun while playing,
and playing at their appropriate skill level/age bracket.

* In order for ANY person to be listed as a head coach for LMYA softball teams, we sak that
they participate in a general coaching clinic where two things will be covered:  General
expectations of head coaches/LMYA policies and a HANDS-ON coaching  clinic.  There are
also opportunities for ANY COACH to contact ANY of the travel coaches to arrange a visit
to one of their practices where you can observe them and their teams.  The hands-on clinic
is offered to share ideas between coaches and to give you a chance to see HOW to teach
skills to players at various levels. It is valuable and all new coaches must attend and we
ask veteran coaches to atend to share ideas and techniques.

*Head coaches are listed from season to season.  Coaching in one season does not
guarantee that you are again coaching in the next  season.  There are rules
regarding how teams are formed and coaches do not carry teams from season
to season.

*Any coach may be withdrawn from a head coach position from season to season for many
reasons, including but not limited to: If you are moving up an age group, a senior coach
will be given a team over a newer coach entering that age division, two or more valid,
parent complaints and behaviors listed in LMYA and/or League's Coach's Code of
Conduct (COC) which are violated.
Many leagues have by-laws which list steps which must be taken to remove a coach who
is reported to have violated these code of conduct rules.  In the event LMYA is contacted
regarding a coach violating COC rules, that coach must adhere to the league's rules  in
regard to whether or not that coach may coach in the future.  As a participant in said
Leagues, LMYA agrees to place coaches in charge of teams who agree to and follow
these COC guidelines. There can be no complaint with LMYA if you are found guilty
by the League and not able to coach any longer.  You will not be asked back to coach.
Travel coaches:  in the event parental complaints are received, and there is enough
complaints that families may leave or there will not be a team if you return, LMYA
(Overall coordinator and Travel coordinator along with Executive Director) may
determine if removal of a coach is warranted in order to preserve a team.   All
complaints will remain confidential.

Beginning 3/1/15:  New coaching requirements per LMYA Board of Directors

*Concussion Online Training by all HEAD coaches.
Must submit copy of completed certificate to overall coordinator before 1st practice.
All aspects of the concussion training must be followed by all coaches.  No exceptions.

*Safety and Weather Policy:  All practices must be cancelled/stopped immediately
when coaches see lightning or hear thunder.   All games (with and without umpires)
are to hold games 1/2 hour for each lightning strike.  If you see two or more lightning
strikes, the game should be cancelled/stopped.

Any questions on these requirements, please contact Amy Kresley,
Overall Coordinator at