Lower Macungie Youth Association (LMYA) is a volunteer run 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization that serves the needs of thousands of families in the communities of Lower Macungie Township. LMYA offers 9 sports for youth athletes between the grades of Kindergarten through 12th grade. Recreation level play is available in all sports and some sports do offer Travel and Tournament teams.

LMYA aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience for every athlete. A high-quality experience is one in which every athlete:

  • Has fun playing the game
  • Learns sportsmanship, fair play, dedication, and the principles of teamwork
  • Feels valued regardless their level of performance
  • Learns skills and strategies of the game and improves as a player

With the exception of our part-time executive director, LMYA is volunteer run organization, and is dependent on its families. LMYA is always looking for new volunteers to continue and extend the success that we have had for so many years. Families who have volunteered their time and effort have kept our programs running and our youth athletes on the courts and in the fields. Please consider volunteering on some level.

LMYA believes that any child who wants to play should have the opportunity to play regardless of socio-economic status. LMYA does provide financial aid for qualifying individuals.

Mission Statement

The mission of Lower Mac Athletics is to provide instructional, intramural, and competitive team sports that foster sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership skills, and healthy lifestyles.

Vision Statement

The Lower Mac Youth Association aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience for every athlete.

LMYA Staff and Board of Directors

LMYA board meetings are open to the public and held at 8:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month, except January and July, at the Lower Macungie Community Center.
You may reach any staff or board member via the emails listed below.


Name Board Position Email Board Start Date Term Number LMYA Member Since
Herbie Kinney President president@lmya.org Aug-22 1 2015
Mike Amant Vice President vicepres@lmya.org Aug-22 1 2015
Valerie Rothermal Treasurer treasurer@lmya.org Jan-15 2024
Jonathan White Secretary secretary@lmya.org
Zack Seibert Webmaster webmaster@lmya.org Nov-15 2023
Greg Mcilwain Soccer Coordinator soccer@lmya.org Nov-15 1 2021
Chuck Evans Baseball Coordinator Evansc1515@gmail.com Aug-22 1 2015
Kara Chamberlain Girls' Lacrosse Coordinator lmagirlslacrosse@gmail.com Jan-15 2024
Megan Dawson Field Hockey Coordinator fieldhockey@lmya.org May-17 1
Craig Kachenmeister Softball Coordinator softball@lmya.org Aug-22 1 2015
TBD Health and Safety Director
Joshua Miller Boys Lacrosse Coordinator lacrosse@lmya.org Aug-17 1
Jerod Mickelson Basketball Coordinator basketball@lmya.org Jun-23 1
Chris Ofner Flag Football Coordinator Fooball@LMYA.org Apr-22 1

Mailing Address:

Lower Macungie Youth Association

PO Box 342

PMB Box 174

Trexlertown, PA 18087-0342